With the goal of inspiring and informing young women with disabilities, Logan magazine has the noblest of goals and is easily the most inspirational launch of the year. Logan is a lifestyle and fashion magazine that shows that beauty comes in all forms. This uplifting message will surely resonate in the hearts and minds of the millions of disabled American women. Logan features articles on mentoring, food recipes and finding independence. Editor Logan Olson has worked for five years to bring her unique vision to the marketplace. To truly understand the need for this magazine you have to understand the struggle that lead to its formation. Logan Olson suffered a heart attack at the age of 16 that left here with brain damage. She had to relearn even the simplest of tasks. During her rehabilitation she came up with the idea for this magazine. Logan is attempting to establish a niche audience with its content. Its articles are informative and--despite the heavy nature of the topics covered--the articles have a light, easy feel. This magazine delivers a very positive message and establishes a needed niche to an underserved audience.